HI GuYs this is julisa again this is the youtube page


send me a contact tellin me what your favorite youtube vid is and i'll add it

Youtube Contact

Sorry guys i don't have any of the actuall vids

when i went to youtube none of the actuall videos had an assemble thing

lol well hope you enjoy the music

Visit and type in jeff dunham he is a hilarous. He is an awesome ventrilacwist sorry bad at spelling lol just visit and crack up i love him my favorite is bubbua j. Go to this URL: to see walter hes my second favorite hes so funny peace



wow that girl can whale lol shes amazing. hoped you enjoyed her shes great lol i also lover her song why couldn't it be christmas everyday lol. its right above lol
glitter-graphics.comHey guys i just had to put this video on because my parents are really close friends with phill they used to work together and their good friends my mom side has know them for a really long time so you knowhey guys i love this song off the titanic hey i have lots of favorite songs that aren't on here but thats all the time i had at the time thanx for vistining bye Julisa