God's Page!!:)

Pretty Lame joke but hahahahaha

God: "Whew! I just created a 24-hour period of alternating light and darkness on Earth." Angel: "What are you going to do now?" God: "Call it a day."

Prayer - Intimacy with God Posted February 12th, 2007 by michael The purpose of salvation is to restore lost people to relationship with God our Father. Through the cross of Jesus, the barriers to that relationship were removed. When we begin to trust God once again and turn from our sin, He comes into our lives to begin a new relationship of love with us. God is in every true Christian (Romans 8:9,10; John 14:23; Revelation 3:20; 2 Corinthians 13:5). Our faith and love towards God will lead us to recognise His presence with us, to talk with Him, to listen to Him, to sense Him. This is prayer. We express our thanks, our faith, our love, our hopes with God in prayer, and we receive from Him answers, assurance, guidance, peace, strength, power, revelation of who He is and what He wants to do. (Matthew 7:7-8; John 16:13; Philippians 4:6-7; Ephesians 1:17,18 ).

God Poems
Leardership of god- What does it take to be a leader like god:

Without a shadow of doubt, I believe that Jesus is the source of all christian leadership. He is the greatest leader of all time.

People like Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Yonggi Cho are led by Jesus and His Holy Spirit. They take orders, commands and discipleship from Jesus Himself.

If you want to be an effective and godly christian leader, you need to learn from Jesus and be led by the Holy Spirit.

I have collected many useful articles on godly leadership. These materials will help you have a clearer understanding on what exactly is leadership and how can you apply it to your daily lives. 

source of this peom:http://www.holy-spirit-led-christian.com/christian-leadership.html

