hey guys its me well none other so never mind lol well anyways when you open up my page there will probably be like 5 or 4 blank areas but sorry there really are things there i guess because it have so much stuff on here lol it takes a long time and i mean a long time lol sorry well look down at the bottom of your screen just right above the start button it will probably say done then it will probably say at some time 5 items left lol well thats the honest one lol well that just means that the rest is loading well it will take a while so you probably don't even want to wait for it but alls it is, is a magic 8 ball thats acctually pretty cool its like a real one but anyways lol and a slide show thats kinda cool to but ya and a digital clock that just says what time and then just two other thing i like can't remember lol well sorry about that but ya lol k well peace

 ha bye

hey guys its me ya well i just wanted to tell you guys i probably not going to be doing a lot of things for a while my parents are getting a divorce ya so bye



       OMG- scroll down and look me and my family were on the front page of house&home magazine i know omg right lol jk i made that at magmypic.com lol jk got you though right ha peace


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Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at MagMyPic.com

Heyy guys visit one of my best friends websites is thanks peace
glitter-graphics.com Glitter Graphics

Cute Myspace Comments Glitter Graphics

lol thanks for visiting my site lololololololololololololol yeah just do what every you want play games, make a blog, leave a comment,talk to friends,watch videos and bla bla bla lol peace have fun. oh, yeah and have a happy Glitter Graphics

Glitter Wednesday Graphics

lol-( ment to be on my twilight page) sorry wouldn't work hey guys sorry iv been lazy just didn't want to take the time to make this page lol leave me a comment if you want but on another page. if you want to leave a comment or if your having a lazy break like i am then..........never minde lol peace.well you'll be suprised on how many lazys you'll see on her. but lol, jk this time i wasn't lazy all the pics and stuff i wandted to have on this page didn't work sorry hopefully they'll work later. lol peace leave a comment on another page sorry lol that didn't work either
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lolomg yeah its hannah montana no jk no seriously jjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Myspace Contact Tables
Extended Network Banners
Extended Network Banners

Better Chapter
MySpace Graphics & Free Myspace Layouts

In And Out
Awesome MySpace Comments & Myspace Layouts

Get On My Level
Awesome MySpace Comments & Myspace Layouts

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at MagMyPic.com

Fortune Cookie Toy
Make a Scratch Ticket

Snow Globe Toy & MySpace Layouts at pYzam.com shake the globe


hey guys i hope you like me new playlist sorry there are some pretty gay songs on there but i had to hurry i only had like 5 mins to put this together. well leave me a message on the bulliten board on some new songs thanx peace

iNews Call!

hey guys i hope u guys visit my new page bulliten board because now you can talk to friends and acctually send me a comment lol because i found out that the contact thing dosen't really send me a comment lol sorry i don't really know what it does but you know lol. Well any u can start a conversation or post a question you want answered lol well thanx peace

Hey guys these are me and my bestys ha peace

me ashley victoria - edger lol jk but ya - edger and jessie well jessica but you know lol

me and jessie

Ha hey jessie if your lookin at this i know poser lol ya i know but who cares o ya not me lol jk liked this pic well - me ha

Hey guys sorry i would of had the music of the so what video but i wouldn't work lol peace

the one on top is HOt n' cOld and the one and the bottom is So what

wow i know lol right ha aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol just so you know that was an imitation of him ya i know lol sorry i know its high school musical but you know i was just on youtube lol

ya i love demi lovato so what got a problem lol peace

hey and the one below is obviously la la land lol i love this song leave a comment

Wal*Mart Joke's?

> 15 things a man can do at Wal-Mart -- while his wife is taking her sweet time:

>01. Get 24 boxes of condoms & randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking.

>02. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5 minute intervals.

>03. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest-rooms.

>04. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone: 'Code 3 in Housewares' . . . and see what happens.

>05. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay-away.

>06. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.

>07. Set-up a tent in the Camping Department -- and tell other shoppers you're sleeping over; invite them in if they bring pillows from the Bedding Department.

>08. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask: "Why can't you people just leave me alone?"

>09. Look right into the security camera, use it as a mirror and pick your nose.

>10. While handling guns in the Hunting Department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are.

>11. Dart around the store suspiciously, while loudly humming the theme from "Mission Impossible."

>12. In the Auto Department, practice your "Madonna look" using different sized funnels.

>13. Hide in a clothing rack . . . and when people browse through, say: "PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!"

>14. When an announcement comes over the loudspeaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO!...It's those voices again!!!"

>And last but not least:

>15. Go into a fitting room, shut the door and wait a while . . . then yell loudly: "There's no toilet paper in here!"

Hey guys i know miley cyrus is really gay but i love this song for some strange reason and this music vid is really stupid but you know idk i just do for some reason lol but demi lovato rules

here is a slide show of some seals mostly baby seals but i just found out that they are acctually extinct so you know that kinda sucks for them so just watch this

Hey visit www.jokecenter.com lol its the funniest website you'll ever visit lol peace thanks


































 lol sorry guys this guitar is kinda jacked up because on this is like double spaces so sorry lol well it looks ok ha leave a comment

Yeah Guitar Time lol


hey guys sorry who ever made this music vid really sucks at this stuff obviously lol o yah and just to let you know ryan sheckler is hot just to let you know peace lol

 *Hey guys thanx for vistining my website there is lots of stuff to do, you can play games, get links, im your friends, listen to music, take polls, etc.
Have fun bye
email me [email protected]

lol shes so cute

lol i know bad pic of me right lol well i didn't like it so i messed around with the colors lol peace leave a comment



ITS ME AND COURTNEY. i love her shes a close friend to my family she rox lol

lol sorry i know eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww right lol i just thought this was funny lol

aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww i know so cute right lol well i almost died laughing watching all of these i love babies lol leave a comment thanx
Aw Charlie that hurt chalie bit my finga lol that was funny

YOu guys have to watch this video i love it, it rocks its my favorite song. listen to the words it gives a great message lol thanx for visiting

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Hiding Comments On Myspace Glitter Pictures

aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww look its make cute baby brother and sister lol. leave a comment


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Click to chat with me or leave me a message on my xat.com chat box.

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Messages Glitter

call me when im not on lol Heeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooo! My number is ***-**** leave me a message(txt me) or call of my phone number first person to call wins a pcize after the holidays peace

Send me a contact
make sure you send me your e-mail address so me can e-mail

Football girl

Hey all you guys and girls send me message tellin me your favorite sport, the sport(s) you play, the possition you play, and the team you play for.


My favorite sport is football, i play football as quarterback for the maize eagles


About me

Well, i like to a lot of other things i'am not on the field, i love to dance,sing,draw, hanging out with friends,watching movies, and many other things.

Go to this youtube videos on the bottom




hey guys here are all the websites i needed to use to make my site you should visit these if you need some help some will be added later

just click on the link





www.weebly.com most important of all lol

