iNew Years Resolutions!

 Hey guys i wanted to tell you guys some of my new years resolution because lets just say this hasn't been my best year lol well here goes lol

: Straight A's before the end of the year

: try not to fight with my sister lol

:and basiclly just straight A's ha

more to be added later i have to think of some first ha i kinda just thought of these on the spot lol well you know

hey guys P.S.

         don't forget to take my pole and watch the BIG BALL DROP ha lol i know its corny but da thats the point lol thanx peace


iOMG! ha jk

O wow omg the big ball drop wah who ya not really lol i don't really know what the big deal is its a ball dropping like 2 inches ya lets throw a party well thats kinda what most peolpe do but what ever lol anyways well if you missed it and you wanted to see it here you go if you fell asleep lol jk well peace