Custom Glitter Text

Hey guys follow the directions but make sure to keep your volume up and your hand steady it will help you beat the 3 level to get to the forth see if you can beat it they say its impossible but lets see if you can be the first lol good luck your gonna need it lol. i came close once but when i saw the fourth level i like freaked out because its so hard lol well peace out home skillet biscuits lol bye


    (sorry i didn't know it would be so small lol)


The Maze
The game that started all the hype! If you haven't played this game yet, you are missing out! Do not be fooled by imitators... this is the original.This so called impossible game has been played all over but never beat will you be the first?

hey guys first all you have to do is just click on it and then it will link you to the site and second sorry i know that the words above it are like weird sorry that came with the html code ha sorry i can't take it off lol